#85 Big Garden Birdwatch 2021

Jamie Wyver, from the RSPB, tells us about the upcoming Big Garden Birdwatch, an annual survey organised by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), and how we can take part.

Jamie Wyver, from the RSPB, tells us about The upcoming Big Garden Birdwatch, an annual survey organised by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), and how we can take part.

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Show Notes

This Episode

The RSPB's Big Garden Birdwatch 2021 takes place over the weekend of 29th -31st January. 
Sign up on the RSPB website
Jamie Wyver, co-presenter of the RSPB's Notes on Nature on Nature TV,  tells us why we should take part, gives tips on the best type of food to give birds, and shares ideas on making a garden wildlife friendly.

During The Big Garden Birdwatch, we are asked to record the birds seen in our gardens,  local parks or from our windows, and submit the results to the RSPB.
Over half a million people have contributed sightings over the past 40 years, collecting an enormous amount of data. 
It’s a great example of community science.
This snapshot of our local birds allows the RSPB and others to monitor trends and see which species are doing well and which might be declining. 

The rules for the survey are very simple to enable as many people as possible to take part: 

      • Choose a place to watch the birds - you don’t have to have a garden to take part - you can make your count in a local park or other outdoor space.

      • Watch the birds for one hour.

      • Only count those that land, not the ones that fly over.

      • Record the maximum number of each bird species you see at any one time. So, for example, if you see three Woodpigeons, then later see two, and then four all together, the number to submit is 4. This avoids any double counting of birds.

Thank you to Randy Braun for designing the artwork for the show.
The theme music is Short Sleeved Shirt by The Drones. Thanks to them for letting me use it. Check out their website at www.dronesmusic.net

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