#82 My Garden Birds, November 2020

82 episode artwork_1.png

Hear about the garden birds I saw during the second Lockdown in England, my first experience of nocturnal migration of Redwings, and an admission of my photography fails.

Plus recordings from Stephanie Seymour in New Jersey and Mary Chan on Vancouver Island!

Suzy shares her birding moments during the second Lockdown in England in November 2020, and we hear from Stephanie Seymour in New Jersey, and Mary Chan on Vancouver Island.

Show Notes

This Episode

In episode 82, Suzy shares her birding moments during the second Lockdown in England in November 2020, including hearing her first nocturnal migration of Redwings.
Suzy admits to some photography fails and we hear from Stephanie Seymour in New Jersey, and Mary Chan on Vancouver Island.

Thank you to Randy Braun for designing the artwork for the show.

The theme music is Short Sleeved Shirt by The Drones. Thanks to them for letting me use it. Check out their website at www.dronesmusic.net

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