#79 Bird walk at John Heinz NWR with Tony Testa

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In episode 79 Tony Testa, Host of the Finding Subjects podcast, takes us on a wonderful bird walk through his local wildlife reserve, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA: the John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge.

There’s also an update on the Global Bird Weekend, Suzy tells us about her recent bird sightings, and provides some advice for feeding garden birds this winter.

Tony Testa, Host of the Finding Subjects podcast, takes us on a wonderful bird walk through the John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge, in Philadelphia, USA. Suzy tells us more about some of birds seen on the walk. Red-winged Blackbird, Gray Catbird, Yellow Warbler and Northern Cardinal.

Show Notes

This Episode

Tony Testa, Host of the Finding Subjects podcast, takes us on a wonderful bird walk through his local wildlife reserve, at Tinicum in Pennsylvania, USA: the John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge. Sited on the outskirts of Philadelphia, it is celebrated as the U.S.A.’s first urban refuge.

Suzy tells us more about some of birds Tony saw on his walk: Red-winged Blackbird, Gray Catbird, Yellow Warbler, and Northern Cardinal.

There’s an update on the Global Bird Weekend, we hear about Suzy’s recent bird sightings, and she provides advice for feeding garden birds this winter.

Note: Free access to the Virtual Birdfair talks and lectures has been extended until the end of December.

Don't miss an episode - subscribe to the show (Subscribing is free)

Thank you to Randy Braun for designing the artwork for the show.

The theme music is Short Sleeved Shirt by The Drones. Thanks to them for letting me use it. Check out their website at www.dronesmusic.net

Time stamps:

00:00:51 Global Bird Weekend Update

00:03:12 Tony Testa Bird Walk

00:13:30 Bird descriptions from the walk

00:18:45 Suzy’s Bird Notes

00:20:50 BirdFeeder tips

00:23:29 Birdfair talks are free

00:24:02 Your bird sightings

00:25:40 Keep in Touch

Birds mentioned in Tony’s walk:

  1. Red-winged Blackbird

  2. Yellow Warbler

  3. Northern Cardinal

  4. Northern Mockingbird

  5. Osprey

  6. Song Sparrow

  7. American Robin

  8. Black-capped Chickadee

  9. Gray Catbird

  10. Barn Swallows

  11. Woodpecker

  12. Baltimore Oriole

Further information:

John Heinz Refuge

Finding Subjects (Tony Testa's podcast)

Global Bird Weekend

eBird: October Big Day 2020: a global birding phenomenon

BTO Guide to feeding birds.

BTO Bird health advice

Find out more about the birds mentioned this week at allaboutbirds.com


#79 Transcript